A 6-page workbook with exercises to help participants reflect on the lessons learned during the game and support the transfer of these insights to the workplace. Distribute during debrief, after introducing the Collaboration Ladder.
PDF 437 KBA blank tent-style team name card. Print one for each table (best on heavyweight paper).
PDF 18 KBA set of four paperwork forms, one for each of the four departments. Print one set for each table.
PDF 96 KBA set of three forms: Quality Performance Worksheet, Financial Performance Worksheet, and Team Performance chart. Print one set for each table.
PDF 693 KBAn optional one-page summary of the instructions for participants to refer to during the game. Place one at each table after participants have heard the game instructions.
PDF 83 KBAn optional reminder of core strategies from the program with space for participants to make notes. Provide to each participant during the debrief or at the end of the program. Skip this handout if you are using the Debrief Workbooks.
PDF 700 KBA blank force field analysis form that groups may use if a force field exercise is part of your debrief. Skip this handout if you are using the Debrief Workbooks.
PDF 711 KBSlides that support each element of a Friday Night at the ER program from set up, to game play, through debrief. Updated Oct 8, 2024.
Microsoft PowerPoint 6.7 MBA 19-min video of the full game instructions with animations – an optional alternative to reading the instructions yourself.
Play video from browserMP4 255 MB (From DropBox)Important: A Facilitator Guide Supplement, which instructs facilitators about what to do before, during and after the video.
PDF 63 KBYour game kit came with a 60+ page Guide for Facilitators. This file is the electronic version so you can use it from an electronic device. For extra printed and bound copies, order from Breakthrough Learning: office@blearning.com or 888.802.6808.
PDF 3.7 MBAn editable version of the player instructions (extracted from the Guide for Facilitators) for customizing the text if needed. For example, you may want to increase the font size or change the wording then print a personal version.
Microsoft Word 35 KBA tool (using Microsoft Excel) for entering team scores after teams play the game and calculate scores. The tool automatically creates a bar chart showing overall team performance for display on screen. Two versions are provided for different group sizes: one for up to 10 tables, and another for up to 20 tables.
Microsoft Excel 1.2 MBA generic 1-page evaluation form for participants.
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